Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day Afterthought (quotables)

"...ultimately, marriage is not about getting something -- it's about giving it."

-Tracey McMillan

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


"We don't want to promote color blindness. We want to recognize and understand what's in front of us. The same denial exists when they think we're in some post-racial environment. You remember? Right after we elected Barack, some thought that since we've elected a black man, everything's OK. As if that would solve all of our problems."

Michael Fosberg

My fellow bloggist (Helena Andrews)

The Downside of Love...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


“I don’t know how to take that…you said the other one was cool and I thought he was an asshole!”

Asshole or not, I love him. And frankly I’m tired of the people in my life thinking it is okay for them to make snarky, unwanted comments about that love or the one whom I love. I don’t need your comments to make me question my judgment or think about him. I don’t need that reminder to think about him. I think about him every day! Yes, everyday! I don’t need your comment to make me re-aware that I think about him every day! Every day he crosses my mind in some fashion, whether it’s a wave of anger, regret, resentment, nostalgia – regardless of the emotion, I am thinking of him. And your negative comment does not help my healing, it does not help me push him out of my head or my heart for that matter. I have chosen not to speak of him, because there is no need, he is with me EVERY DAY. And this asshole (me) is working on trying to rid myself of my thoughts of him every day and your decision to comment on him is not only annoying and hurtful, but adds to the difficulty of moving beyond every day to no days!