Saturday, May 21, 2011

"If anybody speak to Scotty, tell him 'beam me up!'"

Lately I've noticed that my emotions, rather my reactivity to OTHER people's actions have been at an all time high. I don't like it. I can come up with many reasons why: they're idiots, morons, jerks, inconsiderate, self-absorbed, over-rated (add fitting adjectives)....I could keep going, but what really matters is me! I cannot and will not be able to change them, only me. And what I need to change is how I deal with and react to other people. My sophomore year of college a friend told me my expectations of others are higher than they are of themselves - THAT is a gift and a curse I now notice, as it has affected me. I don't want to start going into things with low expectations, because not only would that not be me, but not be right. BUT something has got to change - again, it's me!

I need some me time! Some time where I'm free to be me, free as I can be from the idiots of the world. I'm having trouble with that because I'm always with other people lately - some of which are idiots (or do idiotic things) If I could attach a song, it would have been Wale: Friends and Strangers (maybe that's why tumblr is cool). I keep having these moments of clarity and acting on them has been soo freeing (see the theme)

This just might be that time of year when I RUN-AWAY! I'm searching for a Window Seat.


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