Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Kicked Off the Blogroll

I need to step my blog game up. Last week I was sad to see that I was removed from one of my friend's blogroll. I could have been angry because I was not given an heads-up, but several reasons halted my emotions from crossing that line:

I You Have a Blog (n-), One Must Blog (v-)

The most successful (steady viewer- and reader-ship) blogs are those that are constantly updated. I HATE to visit a blog that hasn't been updated in months, even weeks. Why would I want to read your post from 3 weeks ago, at first visit? So much has happened in my life since then, that is the time portal I'd walk away from. And if you don't care enough about your blog to update it, why should I?

I have been slacking considerably on blog updates, I haven't written a post in a bout a month, sans quotes. If I'm gonna have a blog, I must be a blogger. I notice I veer away from titles - I need to start embracing them, they sound good when you're speaking to people. But hey, I'm the same girl who says I just have a degree in Sociology, when I have a concentration in Criminology, and two minors in Psychology and Women's Studies - I don't give myself enough credit. I'll work on that.

Our Blogs Cover Different Genres

Mine tends to be a diary of sorts, his...is not! A lot of himself is put into the blog (successful, I must say) because he spends a lot of time updating it and being very receptive to suggestions for content and opportunities (at least from my perspective). So this is not to impose a hierarchy on our blogs - they're just different.

I put a lot of myself into my blog in a different way, this is me - usually in its most unadulterated, raw form. Ok, maybe not too raw or unadulterated cuz nothing has been too "out there". But I do think that holds me back the same way I go on long hiatuses from writing poetry because I cannot, will not, do not want to deal with those feelings or thoughts I have going on in here. I will work on that too.

My Blog Posts Tend to be Very Long

...thats not gonna change! 


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