Friday, July 8, 2011


Trying my best to channel it
To help you understand
How death was better than not being with this man
You'd only think I'm crazy
If you've never seen this place
But I think you missed out
If this love, you've never taste

Lay me on my bed
Sheet off and bare
Take me to the mirror
Examine disheveled hair
Look deeply in my eyes
Then drown in those tears
Taste my cracked lips
filled with salt
Then you can be there

Turn off my lights
Seduce me to this space
Wrap the pillows around my arms
Mimic his embrace
Kiss my neck in places
He used to live
Love me so carelessly
Each time, potential kid

Tap my ass and remove my pants
Make me wet, with just one glance
Call me at anytime of day,
Always certain I'd cum your way

Sit beside me on the road
When visibility is low
The sun is shining, but I feel no glow
Wipe tears as I call
Begging to hear
My love isn't wrong
Suppress the fear

Help me write the letter to grandma
hoping to understand
How her beautiful baby boy
became such a troubled man
Answer the phone when I call for the umpteenth time
Wishing for simply a hello, on the other line

Answer the questions about how I've been
without breaking down
Without giving in

Tell me suicide wasn't my only way out
When trusting yourself, left you in doubt
When giving your heart, left you with little to receive
Suicide is the only option
For then love you can't grieve


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